Results for 'Lee Jin Oh'

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  1.  25
    Jaspers und die philosophische Praxis in Korea.Jin-Oh Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 25:151-152.
    Mit dem oben genannten Thema will ich darstellen, dass Jaspers’ Philosophie, die ehemals in Korea sehr beliebt war, aber heute fast in Vergessenheit geraten ist, mit ihren Ansätzen in Bezug auf die philosophische Praxis ihre philosophische Bedeutung in Korea wieder unter Beweis stellen kann.
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    A Study on the Theories of Sense and Perception of Hyegang Choi Han-gi.Lee Jin Oh - 2013 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 69:69-92.
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    Chinese Islam’s understanding of Zhongxiao 忠孝: Jin Tian-zhu’s 金天柱 Qing Zhen Shi Yi 清眞釋疑.Lee Oh Ryun - 2023 - Asian Philosophy 33 (2):163-175.
    The scholar Jin Tian-zhu (1690 ~ 1765) was a Muslim of the Hui 回 ethnic group in the Qing dynasty who adhered to Islamic traditions handed down from generation to generation. In Qing Zhen Shi Yi, Jin Tian-zhu attempts to combine Confucianism and Islam through a simple comparison of their rituals. Jin Tian-zhu expresses his respect for Allah by attesting Allah’s existence and insisting that humans should obey Allah. He admits that in reality, besides Allah, the ruler is also clearly (...)
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    Comparison of the end-of-life decisions of patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia after the enforcement of the life-sustaining treatment decision act in Korea.Moon Seong Baek, Kyeongman Jeon, Kyung Hoon Min, Jee Youn Oh, Jae Young Moon, Kwang Ha Yoo, Beomsu Shin, Hyun-Il Gil, Heung Bum Lee, Youjin Chang, Jin Hyoung Kim, Woo Hyun Cho, Hyun-Kyung Lee, Changhwan Kim, Hye Kyeong Park, Soohyun Bae, Sang-Bum Hong & Ae-Rin Baek - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundAlthough the Life-Sustaining Treatment (LST) Decision Act was enforced in 2018 in Korea, data on whether it is well established in actual clinical settings are limited. Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is a common nosocomial infection with high mortality. However, there are limited data on the end-of-life (EOL) decision of patients with HAP. Therefore, we aimed to examine clinical characteristics and outcomes according to the EOL decision for patients with HAP.MethodsThis multicenter study enrolled patients with HAP at 16 referral hospitals retrospectively from (...)
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    Effects of Organizational Embeddedness on Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: Roles of Perceived Status and Ethical Leadership.Junghyun Lee, Se-Hyung Oh & Sanghee Park - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (1):111-125.
    This study examines why individuals who are deeply embedded in the organization may engage in unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB). Drawing from social identity theory and self-affirmation theory, we propose that deeply embedded employees may engage in UPB as a way of promoting or maintaining their status in the organization. We further propose that this positive relationship between organizational embeddedness and UPB, mediated through status perceptions, is stronger for employees working under managers who display low levels of ethical leadership. Using data (...)
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  6. Minisymposia-XV Approaches or Methods of Security Engineering (AMSE)-Efficient Key Distribution Protocol for Electronic Commerce in Mobile Communications.Jin Kwak, Soohyun Oh & Dongho Won - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3732--1009.
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    The emergence of post-narrativity in the era of artificial intelligence: a non-anthropocentric perspective on the new ecology of narrative agency.Jin Young Lee & Sung Do Kim - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (253):117-154.
    In the age of artificial intelligence, writing machines or robot authors have already begun to produce narrative texts in a variety of genres, including short stories and poetry, as well as journalistic articles. This article is based on the prospect that the narrative ecosystem is in a transitional period of decisive disconnection as it enters the era of artificial intelligence. The primary force driving this transition is the formidable execution of artificial intelligence algorithms, which fully automate narrative communication and narrative (...)
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  8.  15
    Self‐Deception in Human–Sex Robot Intimacy.Jin Hee Lee & Christina Chuang - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):303-319.
    A common sentiment among anti-sex-robot scholars is the apprehension that sex robots will normalize and perpetuate sexual violence towards humans. In this new chapter within the feminist sex war, the authors of this article tend to agree with anti-sex-robot concerns and seek to further identify potential harms of sex robots. However, instead of characterizing the harm in terms of what the robots represent and symbolize, we are primarily interested in the internal state of the user and the type of relationship (...)
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    Social Media for Socially Responsible Firms: Analysis of Fortune 500’s Twitter Profiles and their CSR/CSIR Ratings.Kiljae Lee, Won-Yong Oh & Namhyeok Kim - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4):791-806.
    The instrumental benefits of firm’s CSR activities are contingent upon the stakeholders’ awareness and favorable attribution. While social media creates an important momentum for firms to cultivate favorable awareness by establishing a powerful framework of stakeholder relationships, the opportunities are not distributed evenly for all firms. In this paper, we investigate the impact of CSR credentials on the effectiveness of social media as a stakeholder-relationship management platform. The analysis of Fortune 500 companies in the Twitter sphere reveals that a higher (...)
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  10.  59
    Computationally modeling interpersonal trust.Jin Joo Lee, W. Bradley Knox, Jolie B. Wormwood, Cynthia Breazeal & David DeSteno - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  11.  13
    A New Approach to Estimate Concentration Levels with Filtered Neural Nets for Online Learning.Woodo Lee, Junhyoung Oh & Jaekwoun Shim - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-8.
    The COVID-19 pandemic heavily influenced human life by constricting human social activity. Following the spread of the pandemic, humans did not have a choice but to change their lifestyles. There has been much change in the field of education, which has led to schools hosting online classes as an alternative to face-to-face classes. However, the concentration level is lowered in the online learning class, and the student’s learning rate decreases. We devise a framework for recognizing and estimating students’ concentration levels (...)
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    Mindful attention predicts greater recovery from negative emotions, but not reduced reactivity.Sinhae Cho, Hyejeen Lee, Kyung Ja Oh & José A. Soto - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1252-1259.
    This study investigated the role of dispositional mindful attention in immediate reactivity to, and subsequent recovery from, laboratory-induced negative emotion. One hundred and fourteen undergraduates viewed blocks of negative pictures followed by neutral pictures. Participants’ emotional responses to negative pictures and subsequent neutral pictures were assessed via self-reported ratings. Participants’ emotional response to negative pictures was used to index level of emotional reactivity to unpleasant stimuli; emotional response to neutral pictures presented immediately after the negative pictures was used to index (...)
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  13. Hannah Arendt und die Grenze der politischen Freiheit. Hat Politik überhaupt noch einen Sinn?Jin-Woo Lee - 2006 - Synthesis Philosophica 21 (2):327-338.
    Der Name Hannah Arendt bezeichnet eine ebenso radikale wie originale Erneuerung der Frage nach der „politischen Freiheit”. Um es gleich zu sagen: Freiheit ist mit dem Politischen identisch und gleichursprünglich. „Der Sinn von Politik ist Freiheit.” Das heißt, die genuin menschliche Freiheit in dieser Welt ist nur politisch vollziehbar, während die Freiheit der einzige Existenz- und Rechtfertigungsgrund der Politik ist. Hannah Arendts Überlegungen über das Kriterium politischer Freiheit konzentrieren sich vor allem auf drei Kategorien: „Identität”, „Pluralität” und „Spontaneität”.
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    A Study on the English Translation of Korean Classical Novel in the Early Modern Period in Korea : J. S. Gale’s “The Story of Oon-yung”.Jin-Sook Lee - 2019 - Cogito 87:161-200.
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    A study on Schopenhauers’ body concept.Jin-Young Lee - 2018 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 88:221-249.
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    Assessing the Factors Associated With the Detection of Juvenile Hacking Behaviors.Jin Ree Lee & Thomas J. Holt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Research on delinquency reduction often highlights the importance of identifying and sanctioning antisocial and illegal activities so as to reduce the likelihood of future offending. The rise of digital technology complicates the process of detecting cybercrimes and technology enabled offenses, as individuals can use devices from anywhere to engage in various harmful activities that may appear benign to an observer. Despite the growth of cybercrime research, limited studies have examined the extent to which technology enabled offenses are detected, or the (...)
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  17.  34
    Bag6/Bat3/Scythe: A novel chaperone activity with diverse regulatory functions in protein biogenesis and degradation.Jin-Gu Lee & Yihong Ye - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (4):377-385.
  18. Human Plurality as its Relationships Itself—Focusing on Heterogeneity - The Significance of Heterogeneity in Jean-Luc Nancy -.Jin-Ho Lee - 2025 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 119:137-155.
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    (1 other version)À LA RECHERCHE D'UN MODE DE DÉLIBÉRATION À LA CORÉENNE: LE NEIS : Société Civile et Internet en Chine et Asie Orientale.Jin-Rang Lee - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):145.
    La communication sur le projet d'informatisation dans le secteur de l'éducation, le National Education Information System montre comment la société civile en Corée du Sud a réussi à faire valoir ses revendications, bien qu'elle soit souvent exclue du processus institutionnel de décision politique. Les trois principaux acteurs , à la recherche d'un compromis, ont débattu sur la protection des données personnelles et sur l'efficacité administrative en utilisant de multiples moyens de communication.Communication on the computerization project in the education sector, the (...)
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  20. NEIS: In Search of Governance, Korean Style.Jin-Rang Lee - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):145 - +.
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    Politische Philosophie des Nihilismus: Nietzsches Neubestimmung des Verhältnisses von Politik und Metaphysik.Jin-Woo Lee & Chin-U. Yi - 1992 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Friedrich Nietzsche has emerged as one of the most important and influential modern philosophers. For several decades, the book series Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung (MTNF) has set the agenda in a rapidly growing and changing field of Nietzsche scholarship. The scope of the series is interdisciplinary and international in orientation reflects the entire spectrum of research on Nietzsche, from philosophy to literary studies and political theory. The series publishes monographs and edited volumes that undergo a strict peer-review process. The (...)
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  22. Une société civile mondiale est-elle possible ? Le cosmopolitisme et l'avenir de la démocratie.Jin-Woo Lee - 2009 - Synthesis Philosophica 24 (1):49-63.
    Mon étude s’inspire de la thèse suivante : que la philosophie construit son objet seulement à partir d’une certaine perspective normative. La question philosophique du cosmopolitisme – comment établir par le biais de la morale universelle l’association des « citoyens du monde » libres et égaux – ne fonde qu’un horizon normatif d’attentes qui attire le regard sur une réalité irrationnelle. La réalité irrationnelle se caractérise par la notion de « société mondiale du risque », introduite par Ulrich Beck pour (...)
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    Philosophy and Globalization I/Philosophie und Globalisierung I.Mislav Kukoč, Henning Ottmann, Zagorka Golubović, Arto Mutanen, Jin-Woo Lee, Dragica Vujadinović, Tomaž Grušovnik, Béla Mester, Helena Motoh & Jana Rošker - 2009 - Synthesis Philosophica 24 (1):1.
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    Constructing Petri Net State Equation for Ladder Diagram.Gi Bum Lee & Jin S. Lee - 2002 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 12 (2):69-92.
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  25.  30
    Factors Associated With Post-traumatic Growth Among Healthcare Workers Who Experienced the Outbreak of MERS Virus in South Korea: A Mixed-Method Study.Hye Sun Hyun, Mi Ja Kim & Jin Hyung Lee - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Infectious disease outbreaks such as COVID-19 and MERS pose a major threat to healthcare workers' physical and mental health. Studies exploring the positive changes gained from adapting to traumatic events, known as post-traumatic growth, have attracted much attention. However, it is unclear which factors or experiences lead to PTG among HCWs. The purpose of this mixed-method study was to investigate factors associated with PTG among HCWs who experienced the MERS outbreak in South Korea, and fully describe their experience of (...)
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  26.  15
    Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Bioethics: Recommendations from the Association of Bioethics Program Directors Presidential Task Force.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Alexis Walker, Shawneequa L. Callier, Faith E. Fletcher, Charlene Galarneau, Nanibaa’ Garrison, Jennifer E. James, Renee McLeod-Sordjan, Ubaka Ogbogu, Nneka Sederstrom, Patrick T. Smith, Clarence H. Braddock & Christine Mitchell - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):3-14.
    Recent calls to address racism in bioethics reflect a sense of urgency to mitigate the lethal effects of a lack of action. While the field was catalyzed largely in response to pivotal events deeply rooted in racism and other structures of oppression embedded in research and health care, it has failed to center racial justice in its scholarship, pedagogy, advocacy, and practice, and neglected to integrate anti-racism as a central consideration. Academic bioethics programs play a key role in determining the (...)
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  27.  32
    The Confucian Vision of an Ideal Society Arising out of Moral Emotions, with a Focus on the Sishu Daquan.Choi Young-jin & Lee Haeng-Hoon - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (2):394-417.
    Our discussion should open with a story in the “Weizi” 微子 chapter of the Analects. Confucius, while traveling on a long journey, sent his disciple Zi Lu 子路 to ask two hermits, Chang Zu 長沮 and Jie Ni 桀溺, where a ferry could be found. Sneering at Confucius for canvassing around the country, they retorted: “Turbulent waves are sweeping away everything under Heaven. With whom, then, are you to change the world?” Zi Lu reported their words back to Confucius, who (...)
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    ERP Study of Liberals’ and Conservatives’ Moral Reasoning Processes: Evidence from South Korea.Jin Ho Yun, Yaeri Kim & Eun-Ju Lee - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (4):723-739.
    Do liberals’ and conservatives’ brain processes differ in moral reasoning? This research explains these groups’ dissimilar moral stances when they face ethical transgressions in business. Research that explores the effects of ideological asymmetry on moral reasoning processes through moral foundations has been limited. We hypothesize two different moral reasoning processes and test them in the South Korean culture. Study 1 uses the neuroscientific method of event-related potentials to explore the dissociable neural mechanisms that underlie Korean liberals’ and conservatives’ moral reasoning (...)
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  29.  7
    What and For Whom Is Bioethics?Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):6-8.
    In their examination of survey findings, Pierson et al. (2024) illuminate critical insights into the current composition and philosophical perspectives of the bioethics field. Their study addresses...
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    Preschoolers Favor Their Ingroup When Resources Are Limited.Kristy Jia Jin Lee, Gianluca Esposito & Peipei Setoh - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:398351.
    The present study examined how two- to four-year-old preschoolers in Singapore (N = 202) balance fairness and ingroup loyalty in resource distribution. Specifically, we investigated whether children would enact fair distributions as defined by an equality rule, or show partiality toward their ingroup when distributing resources, and the conditions under which one distributive strategy may take precedence over the other. In Experiment 1, children distributed four different pairs of toys between two puppets. In the Group condition, one puppet was assigned (...)
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  31.  35
    Consent for withholding life-sustaining treatment in cancer patients: a retrospective comparative analysis before and after the enforcement of the Life Extension Medical Decision law.Ji Eun Lee, Jin Ho Beom, Junho Cho, Incheol Park & Yu Jin Chung - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundThe Life Extension Medical Decision law enacted on February 4, 2018 in South Korea was the first to consider the suspension of futile life-sustaining treatment, and its enactment caused a big controversy in Korean society. However, no study has evaluated whether the actual implementation of life-sustaining treatment has decreased after the enforcement of this law. This study aimed to compare the provision of patient consent before and after the enforcement of this law among cancer patients who visited a tertiary university (...)
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    Tumor‐infiltrating lymphocyte therapy: Clinical aspects and future developments in this breakthrough cancer treatment.Hyun Lee, Kwanghee Kim, Jiwon Chung, Mofazzal Hossain & Hee Jin Lee - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (7):2200204.
    Tumor‐infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy is a promising approach for treating refractory or advanced solid cancers by using autologous TILs harvested from cancer tissues. Despite the heterogeneity of cancer, TIL therapy can potentially produce a positive therapeutic response, including complete remission.After decades of research on lymphocyte functions, culture/expansion methods, therapeutic protocols, and multiple clinical trials, TIL therapy has finally reached a stage where it can be formally approved for clinical use.TIL therapy is expected to hold a unique position among anti‐cancer therapeutic (...)
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    On Development of Bioenergy and Convergence of Academic Disciplines.Yeung-Jin Oh & Won Gun An - 2013 - Environmental Philosophy 16:189-234.
  34.  11
    Report on the Participation in 28th IVR World Congress in Lisbon, Portugal in 2017.Byung-Sun Oh & Jin-Sook Yun - 2017 - Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy 20 (3):343-348.
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    Intragroup Transactions, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Philanthropy in Korean Business Groups.Won-Yong Oh, Young Kyun Chang, Gyeonghwan Lee & Jeongil Seo - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (4):1031-1049.
    This study examines how the corporate philanthropy decisions of group-affiliated firms in Korea are made. Based on the attention-based view, we argue that when corporate decision makers at group-affiliated firms focus their attention more on internal markets than external stakeholders because of the firm’s high reliance on intragroup transactions, the firm will decrease its level of corporate philanthropy. We further argue that the relationship will be stronger when governance mechanisms focus on the instrumental value of corporate philanthropy. Using a panel (...)
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    Obligations of the “Gift”: Reciprocity and Responsibility in Precision Medicine.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):57-66.
    Decades of public investment in molecular technologies and data integration techniques have fueled promises of precision medicine (PM) as a novel, targeted, and data-driven approach that takes into...
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  37.  55
    Control your mind, make affordance available.Zheng Jin, Yang Lee & Jin Zhu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Consensus protocol design for discrete-time networks of multiagent with time-varying delay via logarithmic quantizer.Myeong Jin Park, Oh Min Kwon, Seong Gon Choi & Eun Jong Cha - 2016 - Complexity 21 (1):163-176.
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    Low-Intensity Steady Background Noise Enhances Pitch Fusion Across the Ears in Normal-Hearing Listeners.Yonghee Oh & Sabrina N. Lee - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Binaural pitch fusion is the perceptual integration of stimuli that evoke different pitches between the ears into a single auditory image. This study was designed to investigate how steady background noise can influence binaural pitch fusion. The binaural fusion ranges, the frequency ranges over which binaural pitch fusion occurred, were measured with three signal-to-noise ratios of the pink noise and compared with those measured in quiet. The preliminary results show that addition of an appropriate amount of noise can reduce binaural (...)
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  40.  53
    Research 2.0: Social Networking and Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genomics.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee & LaVera Crawley - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (6-7):35-44.
    The convergence of increasingly efficient high throughput sequencing technology and ubiquitous Internet use by the public has fueled the proliferation of companies that provide personal genetic information (PGI) direct-to-consumers. Companies such as 23andme (Mountain View, CA) and Navigenics (Foster City, CA) are emblematic of a growing market for PGI that some argue represents a paradigm shift in how the public values this information and incorporates it into how they behave and plan for their futures. This new class of social networking (...)
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    The Epistemological Danger of Large Language Models.Elise Li Zheng & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):102-104.
    The potential of ChatGPT looms large for the practice of medicine, as both boon and bane. The use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in platforms such as ChatGPT raises critical ethical questions of w...
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    Understanding the Gap: A Cross-Sectional Survey of ELSI Scholars’ Dissemination Practices and Translation Goals.Deanne Dunbar Dolan, Rachel H. Lee, Mildred K. Cho & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (2):147-153.
    Background Researchers engaged in the study of the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of genetics and genomics are often publicly funded and intend their work to be in the public interest. These features of U.S. ELSI research create an imperative for these scholars to demonstrate the public utility of their work and the expectation that they engage in research that has potential to inform policy or practice outcomes. In support of the fulfillment of this “translational mandate,” the Center for (...)
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    The effect of trust on teacher empowerment: the mediation of teacher efficacy.Hong-Biao Yin, John Chi-Kin Lee, Yu-le Jin & Zhong-hua Zhang - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (1):13-28.
    This study explores the impact of teachers? perception of trust in colleagues on their sense of empowerment in Mainland China, with a particular focus on the mediating role of teacher efficacy. The results of a survey of 1646 teachers indicate that although teachers scored positively on trust in colleagues, efficacy and empowerment, they had relatively lower scores on general teaching efficacy (GTE) and participation in decision-making. Trust in colleagues was a significant predictor of teacher empowerment. In addition, personal teaching efficacy (...)
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    Introduction to the article collection ‘Translation in healthcare: ethical, legal, and social implications’.Michael Morrison, Donna Dickenson & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):74.
    New technologies are transforming and reconfiguring the boundaries between patients, research participants and consumers, between research and clinical practice, and between public and private domains. From personalised medicine to big data and social media, these platforms facilitate new kinds of interactions, challenge longstanding understandings of privacy and consent, and raise fundamental questions about how the translational patient pathway should be organised.This editorial introduces the cross-journal article collection "Translation in healthcare: ethical, legal, and social implications", briefly outlining the genesis of the (...)
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    Issues and implications of the life-sustaining treatment decision act: comparing the data from the survey and clinical data of inpatients at the end-of-life process.Eunjeong Song, Dongsoon Shin, Jooseon Lee, Seonyoung Yun, Minjeong Eom, Suhee Oh, Heejung Lee, Jiwan Lee & Rhayun Song - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-13.
    Health professionals had difficulty choosing the right time to discuss life-sustaining treatments (LSTs) since the Korean Act was passed in 2018. This study aimed to understand how patients decide to undergo LSTs in clinical practice and to compare the perceptions of these decisions among health professionals, patients, and families with suggestions to support the self-directed decisions of patients. A retrospective observational study with electronic medical records (EMRs) and a descriptive survey was used. The data obtained from the EMRs included all (...)
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    Biofunctional Understanding and Judgment of Size.Zheng Jin, Yang Lee & Zheng Yuan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Corrigendum: Biofunctional Understanding and Judgment of Size.Zheng Jin, Yang Lee & Zheng Yuan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Fourteen- to Eighteen-Month-Old Infants Use Explicit Linguistic Information to Update an Agent’s False Belief.Kyong-Sun Jin, Yoon Kim, Miri Song, Yu-Jin Kim, Hyuna Lee, Yoonha Lee, Minjung Cha & Hyun-Joo Song - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Language Interfaces in Adult Heritage Language Acquisition: A Study on Encoding of Nominal Reference in Mandarin Chinese as a Heritage Language.Jing Jin, Sihui Echo Ke & John Chi-Kin Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:790102.
    According to the Interface Hypothesis in the field of bilingualism, the interface connecting a linguistic module with a language-external domain (e.g., syntax-discourse) will present prolonged difficulties for adult bilingual learners, as compared with the interface connecting language-internal modules (e.g., syntax-semantics). This study tested whether the Interface Hypothesis is applicable to the acquisition of Mandarin Chinese as a heritage language. An internet-based acceptability judgment task (AJT) was administered to 58 advanced and intermediate adult Chinese heritage speakers to collect data in accuracy (...)
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    The Mediating Effect of Bicultural Self-Efficacy on Acculturation and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy for International Students in South Korea.Yuan Ying Jin, Sungsik Ahn & Sang Min Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The population of international students in South Korea is growing. During the career development phase, international students face unique challenges related to their bicultural identity and acculturation experiences. The present study examined the role of bicultural self-efficacy on mediating the relationship between acculturation and career decision-making self-efficacy for international students in South Korea. Responses from 120 international students in South Korea were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that bicultural self-efficacy fully mediated the relationship between acculturation to mainstream (...)
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